Monday, April 22, 2013

Postdoctoral Position in epithelial cell biology 2013 - United States

A postdoctoral Position in epithelial cell biology is available immediately in the group of Anne Muesch at the Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology of Albert-Einstein College of Medicine.
The position concerns research on signaling mechanisms that govern the establishment and maintenance of epithelial cell polarity and polarized protein trafficking and their relevance for morphogenesis and cell transformation. See:

Approaches include quantitative protein trafficking analysis in intact cells by time lapse imaging of fluorescently-tagged proteins, immunofluorescence and confocal laser microscopy to study cell morphology and sub-cellular protein distribution, biochemical approaches to protein trafficking and protein signaling, and medium throughput RNAi screens.

The position requires a PhD degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, or related biomedical fields, and an interest in principle questions in cell biology. We are seeking a candidate with high self-motivation, and ability to work independently and in a team-oriented setting. Please send applications by e-mail with a detailed CV and names of three individuals who are willing to provide a letter of recommendation to :

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