Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to Write a Resume for a Biotechnology Job opening

The biotechnology field contains an array of job disciplines requiring experience in many different sciences. This new research and manufacturing industry has captured the interests of professionals and scientists in search of an emerging technological field on the cutting edge of discoveries that can change humankind. All it takes is a good resume and cover letter to get a foot in the door for a great job in the field of biotechnology.

  •     Include a job objective on the resume. State which biotechnology field or job function you want to work in--quality, research, manufacturing, administration or another area of interest.
  •     Begin the resume with the most recent job experience and work backward. State job responsibilities that pertain to the biotechnology job of interest. Remain focused on the relevant job experience.     Research the company on the web to learn about any ongoing projects or high profile activities. List any relevant experience that would benefit the company's current business objectives.
  •     Include any laboratory experience on the resume--photo lab, hospital lab or laboratory assistant in school.
  •     Emphasize any sciences experience--biology, chemistry, physics, life sciences, nursing, genetics and even engineering or computer sciences.
  •     List project management experience or any managerial experience, which are skill sets desired in the biotechnology field.
  •     Use real-life, non-work experiences as qualifications for the biotechnology job desired. Gourmet chef skills translate to manufacturing chemist abilities, a volunteer bookkeeper makes an excellent documentation specialist, and a 20-year member of the Orchid club makes a detail-oriented research assistant.
  •     Address each qualification listed in the job ad and write the resume based on how you meet those qualifications. If you do not meet them exactly, state what you have to offer instead. The job may survive without one qualification but not without another, so let the hiring company choose. A perfect job applicant seldom exists and the hiring manager knows that.
  •     Provide a list of computer skills and other equipment operation experience, particularly technical equipment.

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