Friday, April 5, 2013

Hungary: Postdoctoral fellow position neuroscience at IEM HAS

"The laboratory of Dr. Balázs Rózsa in the Institute of Experimental Medicine of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position. We are interested in neuronal network activity and dendritic processing of the visual cortex in in vivo by using whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology combined with two-photon imaging technique. We are also using virtual reality system and behavioural models. We developed a high-resolution, acousto-optic two-photon microscope with continuous three-dimensional (3D) trajectory and random-access scanning modes that reaches near-cubic-millimeter scan range and can be adapted to imaging different spatial scales (Katona et. al., 2012 Nature Methods, Volumetric random-access scanning imaging of spontaneous and visual stimulation–evoked activity in hundreds of neurons of the mouse visual cortex in vivo can be performed.
We are seeking a highly creative and motivated postdoctoral researcher. Applicants are expected to have a Ph.D. in neuroscience or related field and experience with electrophysiology and fluorescent microscopy techniques.
Applications including CV, short motivation letter with research interests and contact details of two references should be sent to"

Closing date:     2013-04-20

Contact Information
Team Leader Balazs Rozsa, PhD, MD
Two-Photon Imaging Center
Szigony 43.
1083 Budapest
Phone:     +36 1 210 9400
Fax:     -

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