Saturday, May 25, 2013

Postdoc position - Raman and SERS spectroscopy for single cell analysis USA

    A postdoctoral research opportunity in the area of Raman and surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy for single cell analysis is available at the NSF Center for Biophotonics Science and Technology at UC Davis. The project will involve the development and application of micro-Raman and SERS spectroscopy/microscopy for studying single cells and cell dynamics.

    Qualified applicants should be highly qualified and must have demonstrated experience in SERS and Raman technology. Demonstrated application of this technology for cell and tissue analysis is highly desired. Applicants should have a recent Ph.D. in engineering, physics, optics, chemistry or a related field. Experience and knowledge of as many of the following is desirable: nanoparticle synthesis and design, vibrational (Raman, SERS) spectroscopy, optical microscopy, cell culture, chemistry.
To apply

    Interested candidates should e-mail their CV, a cover letter describing training and research experience, and three letters of references to Prof. James Chan ( Please include "SERS/Raman Postdoctoral Research Position" in the Subject heading of the email.

For Further Information

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