- After seven productive years at the University of California, Los
Angeles, our lab (Neural Systems and Dynamics Lab) is moving to the
University of California, San Francisco in September 2013. With this
move, we expect to expand our R&D project portfolio and
collaborative network. A key mission of our lab has been to develop new
algorithms of analyzing Big clinical data to more effectively address
significant clinical problems. Several postdoctoral positions will
become available in Fall 2013, for at least two years, for candidates
with strong skills in at least one of the following areas: applied math,
machine learning, data mining, signal processing, mathematical
modeling, biostatistics, neural engineering. Candidates with particular
interest in applying their analytic and informatics skills toward
building biomedical and healthcare applications will surely enjoy the
range of projects that we are pursing. The lab will also provide
opportunities and incentives for those candidates with adequate levels
of skills and experience to discover and lead projects on the UCSF
campus where bioengineering talents are highly sought after.
Interested candidates can email the PI:
Xiao Hu, Ph.D.
Director, Neural Systems and Dynamics Lab
Associate Professor
Email: xhu@mednet.ucla.edu or xiao.hu@nursing.ucsf.edu
Also interviewing opportunities are available at the upcoming 35th IEEE EMBS annual meeting in Osaka Japan.
For Further Information
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Categories: Postdoc position Bioinformatics, USA