Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Postdoctoral Position in Computational Systems Biology 2013 - USA

A Postdoctoral Position in Computational Systems Biology is available in the laboratory of Prof. Igoshin in the Dept of Bioengineering at Rice University. We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral fellow to work on NIH-funded project on the modeling stress-response networks in bacteria and formulating their evolutionary design principles. A key property of living cells is their ability to react to internal or external stimuli with specific biochemical responses. Bacteria have evolved to sense and rapidly adapt to environmental stimuli by changes in gene expression.
Many molecular details of stress response networks regulating these responses have been uncovered for many model bacteria. However, we still lack network-level knowledge of these responses across species, which is necessary to obtain a deeper understanding of cellular functions and to best apply results obtained with model bacteria to bacterial species that are poorly characterized or cannot be cultured in a laboratory. In this project we are focusing on two of the common basic building blocks of bacterial stress-response network to explore how network organization affects the physiologically relevant dynamical properties.
PhD in science or engineering is required for this position. The postdoctoral fellow will work on constructing mathematical models of biochemical and gene-regulatory networks in several model bacteria. Candidates with publications in the field of mathematical/computational biology related to systems biology modeling are strongly preferred. Previous experience in bioinformatics and/or modeling bacterial networks is a plus. Strong interest in interdisciplinary collaboration and English proficiency are also expected. Some of the research will be conducted in tight collaboration with experimental colleagues and the main results are at least partially expected to be published in biological journals. 
About us:
Rice is consistently ranked as one of the nation’s best teaching and research universities.
It is a member institution of the world largest Medical Center (TMC). The Department of
Bioengineering is consistently ranked among the nation’s top 10 bioengineering graduate programs. Rice is situated in the Museum district of Houston, TX – the fourth largest city in the US.
Applicants should submit their resume and letter stating their research interests to