Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bioscience Cover Letter Samples

Ravagavan Mandu
76 Rajan Apartments
Burner Road
California 876964
Contact number:0013308769642/ 0013308764953
The Hiring Manager
Merlock industries
87 Hannover Lane
Paramount Road
California 876594
Dear sir/ madam,
Subject: Application for the post of a molecular biologist.

Reference: Advertisement in The California Herald.
I recently came across an advertisement stating the vacancy for the post of a molecular biologist at Merlock Industries and I write this letter with a purpose to apply for the same. I take great interest in the field and wish to pursue it further. I am a dedicated worker and love what I do. Given a chance I could work wonders and earn unprecedented profits for the company. I feel my work ethic and background are ideal for the post you have offered. I have summarized my qualifications and achievements below.
I am now 27 years old and currently working on a project for Carter Development and Research. I work with a team of four molecular biologists. The term of this work has almost come to an end and I wish to acquire a more permanent employment with my collective experience. In 2004, I passed out of The University of Sacramento with a degree in molecular biology. After I passed out, a few of my peers and I started working on a project dealing with intensive research on protein biosynthesis. Our thesis received an award for recognition from the University of Sacramento.
I feel that I will be an asset to your company and that my recruitment can bring a fresh outlook on molecular biology. I have worked with determination all my life and wish to continue to do so. I will be obliged to come by your office and provide the necessary documents and proofs if we could schedule a personal interview.
Thanking You
Yours sincerely
Hannah Swigert

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