Friday, April 19, 2013

Cognitive Psychology - Postdoctoral Position 2013 Germany

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) "Adaptive Minds: Neural and Environmental Constraints on Learning and Memory" (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Axel Mecklinger) awards a Postdoctoral Research Position (TV-L E13, 100%, two-year term; ca. 41-53.000 euros p.a.) available July/Aug/Sep 2013 to candidates from the fields of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience.

The IRTG is hosted by the Departments of Psychology and Neuroradiology at Saarland University, Saarbruecken, and the Institute of Psychology from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. It aims at enhancing our understanding of learning and memory processes and their neural basis by examining how environmental constraints within and across cultures shape these processes and their underlying neural organisation. Saarland University will be the main research environment. The Department of Psychology is equipped with four high-density EEG recording laboratories, several behavioral testing chambers, and multimodal stimulus presentation software. The Department of Neuroradiology houses MR facilities (e.g., a 3 T MR scanner) including state-of-the-art brain imaging software.

The successful applicant has good theoretical and practical knowledge in functional brain imaging (fMRI) techniques and a strong background in Cognitive Psychology. The responsibilities will be to provide the doctoral researchers of the IRTG with adequate training and mentoring, especially with respect to fMRI analyses techniques. In return, the IRTG offers an appropriate scientific infrastructure and the opportunity for fruitful research cooperation to pursue his/her own research career in the respective fields.

Candidates are asked to send applications including cover letter, CV, and copies of diplomas or certificates no later than 19th May 2013 to the Coordinator of the IRTG: Dr. Theo Jäger, Saarland University, IRTG "Adaptive Minds", Campus A2 4, D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany (preferably as one pdf file by email to:

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