Friday, April 5, 2013

"We invite applications for a Post-Doctoral position at the NCCR Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (University of Geneva, Switzerland; and the Neuroscience of Emotions and Affective Dynamics Lab (Head: Prof. Didier Grandjean). We are seeking a highly motivated and talented research candidate to work on a project on the neural basis of processing human affective vocalizations. The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNFS). The position is initially available for 2 years with a possible extension for one year.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in psychology, biology, neuroscience or a related field. Furthermore, they should be familiar with fMRI (on 3T and/or 7T scanners) and have a strong background in auditory neuroscience. Candidates should have experience in brain image analysis (SPM, FSL and/or FreeSurfer), pattern recognition, and statistics. Excellent programming skills (Matlab, UNIX, …) are highly desirable.

The University of Geneva provides an excellent multidisciplinary and interactive neuroimaging environment with research dedicated brain imaging facilities ( within the framework of the Geneva Neuroscience Center (<br />
The position is available immediately and applications will be considered until the position is filled. Candidates should submit a CV, names and full contact details of two referees and a statement of research interests by e-mail to Dr. Sascha Frühholz ( .

Informal inquiries and questions should be addressed to or"

Closing date:       -the deadline is not set

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