Friday, May 24, 2013

Germany: Postdoctoral fellow opening in neurobiology 2013

The laboratory of Prof. Björn Brembs (see in the Institute of Zoology at Universität Regensburg, Germany, is offering a position as
Postdoctoral fellow (m/f) – neurobiology of spontaneous behavior and operant learning in Drosophila
The full time position is initially limited to two years (with possible extension). The position is paid according to the German pay scale 13 TV-L.
Job description:
Our lab focuses on the neurobiology of spontaneous behavior and operant learning using Drosophila as a neurogenetic model organism. Methods include computer-controlled behavioral experiments with wildtype, mutant and transgenic flies, neuroanatomy using standard and confocal microscopy as well as some molecular biology such as qPCR to determine the effectiveness of RNAi-mediated gene knock-down.
Selected references:
• Maye, A.; Hsieh, C.; Sugihara, G.; Brembs, B. (2007): PLoS ONE 2(5): e443
• Brembs, B.; Plendl, W. (2008): Curr. Biol. 18(15):1168-1171
• Brembs, B. (2009): Curr. Biol. 19(16): 1351-1355
• Brembs, B. (2011): Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 278(1707), 930-939
Outstanding candidates (m/f) holding a PhD in a relevant field and interested in this topic as well as being enthusiastic about working in an open science lab are encouraged to apply. The position is fully funded for 2 years, with possible extension. Nonetheless, ideal candidates are expected to have or develop a publication record allowing them to apply for competitive external funding. Candidates with a background in Drosophila biology, coding experience, (R, MatLab, Python, LabView et al.) or psychology will be given priority; proficiency in all three areas is an advantage, but not required. Comprehensive oral and written communication skills in English are also important.
The fulltime position is a university-paid, fixed-term position along the funding scale outlined by the TV-L E13, according to seniority and including medical and social benefits, as well as a retirement plan. The position includes a teaching requirement of 5 SWS which can be fulfilled in either English or German.
Universität Regensburg is committed to the compatibility of family and career (for more informa¬tion, please visit Severely disabled applicants are given preference in instances where applicants demonstrate an equal level of qualification. Please mention any severe disabilities, if applicable, in the application.
Starting date for the position is October 1, 2013 and applications before July 1, 2013 will receive preferred treatment, but applications will be considered until the position is filled. Applications including a short statement of research objectives, a CV, as well as the names and coordinates of three references should be sent in a single PDF file to:

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