Sunday, May 5, 2013

Germany : Postdoctoral position in Epigenetics 2013

The Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of Molecular Embryology at the University of Freiburg, Germany is looking for a highly motivated Postdoc in the research group of Prof. Dr. T. Vogel. Our research focus lies on the role of epigenetic histone modifications in neurodevelopment and CNS disease (Büttner et al. PNAS 2010). Within this advertised project we will elucidate the role of histone modifications during development and function of the CNS. Using mouse models we will study histone modifications in the context of the neurological disorders.

We are looking for a highly motivated, scientifically devoted individual with a strong background in Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or related areas, who appreciates a challenging project in Epigenetics in an excellent surrounding (e.g. CRC 992). The successful candidate should have documented experience in techniques of cell biology, protein biochemistry, and molecular biology. Experience with Next-generation-sequencing and analyses of large data sets would be beneficial. We presume very good communication skills in English. The successful candidate will be working within a dynamic, motivated and synergistically acting team.

Employment will be temporary. Interested candidates are invited to send their application including CV, Degrees, References, short letter of motivation, list of publication as PDF-file by email.

Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Tanja Vogel
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Molecular Embryology
Albertstr. 17
79104 Freiburg / Breisgau
Phone:     +49 761 203 5086
Fax:     +49 761 203 5091

For More Information