Friday, June 28, 2013

Postdoctoral position in tumor biology, Germany

The Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine offers a Postdoctoral position (E13, TV-L)(m/f).

Applicants who have a commitment to scientific excellence as documented by a strong publication record are especially encouraged to apply.

The research program of the institute encompasses scientific projects on the regulation of the NF-kappaB system in the pathophysiology of infection, inflammation and tumor biology (e.g. differentiation and cell cycle control). Here, the molecular and cell biological mechanisms of the intracellular signal transmission are of special interest. The institute allows an internationally competitive research by providing state of the art technologies in protein analysis, mass spectrometry and microscopy.

The institute cooperates with the clinics of the Centre of Internal Medicine in teaching and research and coordinates or participates in a variety of coordinated programs funded by the German Research Foundation (GRK1167, SPP1365, SFB779, SFB854), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (SysTec) and the European Union (Marie Curie Research Training Network). Further, the institute is member of the interdisciplinaryResearch Center Dynamic Systems: Biosystems Engineering funded by the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt within the Excellence Program.

The Otto von Guericke University wishes to increase the proportion of female academic personnel. Women are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply. Handicapped persons with equivalent qualification will be given preference.

Please send your application together with the usual documents (CV, list of publications, present and past extramural funding etc.) to: Prof. M. Naumann ( For further information please visit our webpage:

Send application to:

Prof. Dr. M. Naumann
Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine
Medical Fakulty Otto von Guericke University
Leipziger Str. 44
D-39120 Magdeburg

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