Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Oncology Postdoctoral position 2013 - Spain

A postdoctoral position is currently available in the Group of Hematological Oncology and Transplantation at the Research Institute of the Hospital Sant Pau (Barcelona). The successful candidate will join a research project aimed at developing animal models for hematological malignancies and studying the involvement of the interaction between leukemic cells and the bone marrow microenvironment in minimal residual disease. We offer a postdoctoral contract in a highly competitive and translationally oriented group for 1 year (with possibilities of continuity).

The candidates must have a Ph.D degree in the field of biomedical sciences completed during or after 2010 and a publication record with a minimum of 2 first-author publications. Experience working with mice models (preferable in the field of oncology) and technical expertise in molecular biology and cell culture are required.

How to Apply:
Send a cover letter and CV to Dr. Jorge Sierra and Dra. Isolda Casanova before 10-May-2013 to the email: isoldacasanova@gmail.com
Please, include the contact of minimum two references.

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