Monday, April 8, 2013

Postdoctoral Position in Systems Biology - April 2013, Germany

The Chair of Chemical Biology at the Dortmund University of Technology invites applications for a Postdoctoral Position in Systems Biology. The project will be performed in a research group associated with the Department for Systemic Cell Biology at the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Physiology. The position is full-time and available immediately (initially limited to 1 year). Salaries are according to E13 TV-L or the equivalent of TVÜ-L. In principle, part-time employment is possible.

Requirements: We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with excellent scientific and interpersonal skills. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. level degree in mathematics, physics or computer sciences. Applicants also should have basic experience in modeling of molecular systems and a strong interest in studying the neuronal cytoskeleton via mathematical models and physical simulations.

Project: The aim of this project is to unravel how signal networks control the dynamic shape of a developing neuron. To address this question, the applicant will develop analysis tools based on reaction-diffusion models to enable the interpretation of experimental data. The applicant will work closely with an experimentalist who will perturb and measure cellular protein activities in living cells. These complementary techniques will be used to study mechanisms underlying cell shape changes during neuronal development. This multi-disciplinary project will be supervised by Dr. Leif Dehmelt with additional support from experimentalists and theorists at the TU Dortmund and the associated Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Physiology.

The Dortmund University of Technology aims to increase the percentage of women in the faculty of Chemisty and therefore applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies to qualified disabled people.

Please send your cover letter, CV and 2 letters of recommendation by 14.05.2013 to: or use the online application form. 

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