Monday, April 8, 2013

Postdoctoral Research Fellow post Molecular Biology - United Kingdom, May 2013

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Fixed-term)
University of Sussex
Sussex, United Kingdom

Project title: Deciphering the complex mechanisms that reprogram gene expression and promote Epstein Barr Virus replication – funded by MRC

Epstein Barr virus (EBV, HHV4) a human gamma herpes virus, poses major clinical problems worldwide. A viral gene encodes a transcription and replication factor Zta (ZEBRA, BZLF1, Z) which has an undisputed role in activating the viral lytic cycle. Delineating the cellular targets for Zta will greatly increase our understanding of the basic mechanisms used by EBV to replicate and may suggest future avenues to modulate Zta function in therapeutic settings. We recently identified host genes directly regulated by Zta using a combination of ChIP-Seq and transcriptomics. We are seeking a post-doctoral research fellow to continue the analysis of the regulation of these exciting cellular genes and to determine their relevance to EBV replication. Continuation of funding for this project will be sought.

The Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Research Subject Group carries out multidisciplinary research using a wide range of approaches (cell and molecular biology, proteomics, advanced microscopy, biophysical and structural biology). We provide a stimulating and supportive environment and our expertise covers a range of experimental systems.

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