Thursday, June 27, 2013

Postdoc position in Endocrinology, Switzerland

The group of Animal Physiology of the Institute of Agricultural Science at ETH Zürich is offering an open position for a Post-Doctoral Researcher starting September 1st, 2013 in the research area:

Endocrinology, metabolic adaptations and nutrient partitioning 

The concerted action of an endocrine network provides physiological balance in animals. Severe nutritional imbalances can stress the flexibility of metabolic adaptation, but some organs, e.g. the mammary gland, accomplish preference and achieve a directed nutrient supply. The analysis of regulatory complexes directing local organ homeostasis will enable the identification of communication strategies between the endocrine network and a specialized consumptive organ of interest, e.g. the uterus. This unravels local implications of nutritional imbalances.

Position summary: The main responsibility of this position is to perform basic research in a large farm animals (cattle/small ruminants). The post-doctoral researcher will head an independent research group and lead a laboratory running endocrine analyses in blood and milk. This includes the development of assay systems for hormone and biomarker profiling. He/she will design and carry out experimental studies with farm animals specifically integrating the Metabolism Center at the future ETH-research station (Agrovet-Strickhof), apply for project proposals and author manuscripts for publication. The post-doctoral researcher will co-supervise doctoral candidate researchers and MSc students, and contribute to teaching in the field of research.

We are looking for an early experienced, highly motivated young researcher with a strong enthusiasm for scientific work to contribute to our newly establishing research group.

Requirements: Applicants have completed a doctoral degree / PhD in agricultural, animal or nutritional science, biochemistry, biology, or related disciplines. Experience with techniques of molecular biology and epigenetics is required. Candidates have to demonstrate their ability to work in an newly establishing research environment and to publish research results in leading scientific journals. Very good knowledge of spoken and written English is essential.

We offer: A very well equipped facility at ETH Zurich in a workplace of a young and emerging research group will be available. Both collaboration within the Animal Physiology group and outside co-operations are anticipated and highly furthered. Publication activities and conference participations are promoted, and a proper salary is offered.

Applicants should submit a letter of motivation, a detailed CV with copies of certificates, two letters of recommendation/contact details, and scientific publications in a single PDF document to The selection process starts now and will be continued until the position is filled.

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